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Eudialyte Pendant

Sale price $80.00 Regular price $90.00

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Sterling silver 

Eudialyte –a stone that is essential for emotional healing and helps you in discovering your own life path. This stone has a strong capacity in causing synchronicity or coincidence to happen in your life. It actually creates a certain increase in the alpha and beta brain waves. The alpha waves are the ones that aid in increasing the creativity and stimulate the clairaudience and assist you in developing telepathy and your ESP. The crystal also opens your heart chakra and helps in producing a loving link to the base chakra energy that unites your own physical expression through the emotional feelings.

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“Opening and following the heart, self love, healing the emotional body”


“Thus it is a stone of the life force and the love force, combined to unify the heart’s yearnings with one’s physical life. Many of us feel our lives are dominated by the things we must do to survive—providing food, clothing, shelter and the maintenance of physical health for ourselves and our families. Sometimes this seems to come at the expense of fulfilling our most heartfelt wishes, the very things that provide emotional satisfaction that makes life more than just survival. Eudialyte’s energies bring resonance and harmony to the parallel tracks of survival and fulfillment. It activates both the first and fourth chakras and brings them into alignment, and it evokes synchronicities which can bring together what we must do and what we dream of doing.

Eudialyte can be used in self healing for repairing the emotional body and bringing in more vitality and life force. The black inclusions in Eudialyte purify its energies and provide a measure of psychic protection to those who use it.”“Eudialyte is a stone of complex energies and properties. It is predominantly an Earth and Water stone, balancing one’s emotions with one’s external experiences. It is a great help for those who seek to receive and express more love, especially self-love and acceptance. Eudialyte helps”“one understand that the only will the Divine has for us is that we feel and express love through whatever we say, think and do. This understanding frees one to follow the path of the heart’s truest passion and create the work and life most meaningful for oneself. Often, one can feel stuck and out of control, because one is unsure of what one is ‘supposed’ to do. One may wait years for a sign from the Divine that a certain way is ‘The One Path’ one is meant to follow. Eudialyte reminds us that we are allowed to choose our paths and our creations, and that the Divine only wills that we live from our hearts.

Eudialyte can be a powerful ally for those who do not know what they desire or what path would allow them to fulfill their hearts’ work. It can aid in identifying the gifts one has come to Earth to share. Once one’s gifts have been identified, Eudialyte supports one’s efforts to find an appropriate way to express them and to create a meaningful and fulfilling life path.

Eudialyte’s energy helps one overcome fear, self-doubt and confusion. It counsels us to honor[…]”“understanding of one’s worth in the eyes of the Divine and encourages one to pursue one’s highest path. It is excellent for depression or for those who feel detached from the Earth plane. It can help one be more present in, and loving toward, one’s physical body.

PHYSICAL   Eudialyte is stabilizing to the nervous system and is of great assistance with nervous system disorders such as ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s. It can help stabilize the critically ill and can ease one’s passage when one is ready to discard the physical body. It is a wonderful stone to use with premature infants or critically ill children.

AFFIRMATION   I open my heart, giving love to myself and the world and feeling Divine love flowing through me.”